Al-Hafhaf Oil Services Co.Ltd

It is Iraqi Petroleum and Gas Services Company,sharing its success with clients all over Iraqi petroleum & gas industry  .our activities are covering the following fields in petroleum& gas production.

The company’s strategy is to acquire assets with a high degree of predictability and repeatability.


Logistics and services

  • Development of oil & gas fields.
  • Logistics for operations in Iraq, such as procurement of laboes ,skilled labors and engineers,supply of accessories and safety equipment,etc.

Equipment supply

  • Supplying heavy and light machinery.
  • Electrical and controls,DCS,SCADA system for field operations.
  • Oil field equipment,valves,X-trees, and other oil field production materials,API standards.
  • Power generators.
Our company AL-HAfhaf regarded one of the first Iraqi Companies that worked with HAL-LIBURTON company in Iraq with all kinds of logistic support during the contracting period, also we participated in the success of establishing their project in the southern of Iraq